Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Did you know that according to OSHA, the construction industry includes 9 of the 10 most dangerous trades (as measured by workplace fatalities)?
This is not meant to scare you. But it does mean that you should think twice about your life insurance coverage.
Specifically designed for construction workers.
Some construction companies offer group term life insurance.
But a reliance on group term life can be risky for your workers.
Group Term Life
- Not permanent and not portable
- Generally lost at termination and seldom continued by worker
- Less than 2% ever result in a death claim
- Builds no cash value
- Inexpensive at younger ages, but cost goes up each year
Permanent Whole Life
- Designed to provide protection for a lifetime, not just the period of employment
- Guaranteed death benefit
- Guaranteed cash value growth
- Level premium for life
- Dividend eligibility(160+ years of consistent dividends)
The Classic Win-Win.
Contractors like you can use fringe dollars to provide a more secure future for your workers and help your business at the same time.
Nearly 8 in 10 workers believe having a life insurance benefit at work is important, and delivering on this care can help to minimize your workers’ financial stress and distractions at work. This has been proven to impact productivity!
Your company wins too — by using fringe dollars to fund the benefit, you minimize payroll expense and improve your margins.
*LIMRA.com Facts about Life 2021 Workplace Benefits
You might be thinking…”I already offer a retirement plan, why do my workers need whole life insurance too?”
Permanent life insurance is not an alternative to a retirement plan, it’s an addition!