World of Concrete 2023 – Our Key Takeaways

World of Concrete - Our Key Takeaways

World of Concrete Key Takeaways
The Beneco team (Jason Sperfslage and Jennie Bryson) was excited to be back at this year’s World of Concrete in Las Vegas with our partners LCPtracker and Paychex – together known as “the Prevailing Wage Experts! For those who don’t know, World of Concrete is one of the construction industry’s largest events, focusing on commercial concrete and masonry construction. The event seems to be returning to pre-pandemic attendance, and we met with many attendees who work specifically on government contracts and prevailing wage projects.

Here are some of our key takeaways from this year’s event:

Construction and Technology

Big machinery is the one thing you can’t miss when you’re at World of Concrete, and always an impressive part of being at the event. However, smart technologies are making waves in the construction industry and becoming standard operating procedure on job sites worldwide. These new technologies, such as drones, virtual reality products, and 3D printing, can make construction projects more efficient now and in the future.

Sustainability and Green Construction

Through initiatives by World of Concrete and event producer Informa Markets, the event is looking to put into action more green initiatives like powering the event through renewable energy and minimizing the impact of the amount of waste produced, which is a major issue with large-scale events. In fact, World of Concrete recycles an average of 80% of materials used at the show. The event recycles materials by donating brick and block to Habitat Las Vegas and the International Masonry Training & Education Foundation.

But sustainable construction was also a topic of discussion throughout the event. Several speakers discussed the importance of sustainability and green building techniques and how to improve project outcomes by reducing environmental impacts. Attendees were also introduced to several eco-friendly materials like engineered cement composites that can help reduce waste, conserve natural resources, and lower their carbon footprint.

Future Challenges and Concerns for the Construction Industry

The effects of the economy and shrinking employee pool are the top topics of discussion at most construction events. World of Concrete was no different, offering several sessions focused on these key issues. But construction safety was also brought to the forefront of the event. Safety has always been important. Still, it is becoming more of a concern due to increased regulations and public scrutiny. Attendees at this year’s World of Concrete learned about several emerging trends in safety technology, such as virtual reality simulations that can help train workers on handling hazardous materials or heavy machinery safely.

World of Concrete was a great opportunity for construction professionals to come together and learn about emerging trends in their field. From updated machinery, smart technologies to eco-friendly materials that reduce waste and conserve natural resources, there was something for everyone at this year’s conference! We look forward to joining everyone in Las Vegas for next year’s event!

Winners From our YETI Booth Drawing

Beneco, LCPtracker, and Paychex would like to congratulate the winners of our YETI cooler drawing!

Maryeli Mendoza – Elite Corporate Solutions
Angela Jordan – CPE America
Patrick Feiteira – Kawika’s Painting


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A Lehman